A woman’s heartbreaking story surfaced online after her partner left her in the labor room. The couple was all set to welcome their triplets when the unthinkable happened.
Like most mothers, Lucy Peña was delighted to learn about her pregnancy. Her excitement doubled when the doctors told her she had three babies inside her womb instead of one.
Having triplets is rare, and Peña and her partner were glad fate allowed them to experience it. They were all set to welcome their triplets when their love story went downhill.
Lucy Peña. | Source: Facebook.com/Estarling Mateo Feliz
An Unexpected and Difficult Pregnancy
Peña already had a daughter when she conceived triplets. She planned to raise her new babies with her partner, unaware that fate wouldn’t allow her to execute what she had imagined.
Soon after her delivery, a video surfaced on Facebook where Peña was being interviewed inside a hospital room. She smiled while holding her three babies despite knowing her life had suddenly turned upside down.
In the interview, Peña revealed that she experienced a high-risk pregnancy. She added that her triplets―a boy and two girls―were born with health problems.
When asked if her family had a history of having multiple babies in a single pregnancy, Peña revealed that her cousin had twins. Peña and her partner eagerly waited to meet their babies, but something went wrong when the triplets were born.
When the locals learned about Peña’s tragic story, they felt concerned for her well-being.
In the video, Peña speaks alone inside Dr. Cruz Jiminián’s Clinic in Santo Domingo. When the interviewer asks her about her partner’s reaction to seeing his babies, Peña reveals he had abandoned her.
Despite being by her side during her pregnancy, the father of Peña’s triplets fled from the hospital without a trace. He left her without support, but that didn’t shatter the determined mother’s confidence. She said:
“It is challenging, but each person takes the path they consider better.”..CONTINUE READING