Marissa English, who was 25 years old at the time of her passing, was blessed with many lovely and joyful moments before she went away.
A young woman’s last request was to be serenaded by the renowned musician Keith Urban, and the video of the performance is quite moving.
She was born with a multitude of health problems, including water and cysts in her brain, which were both present at birth.She had been given a number of illnesses, but that did not stop her from being a true fan of the famous singer and musician Keith Urban.
Her lifelong dream was to attend a real live concert by her musical hero, Keith Urban, and introduce herself to him.
Due to the intensity and sincerity of her desire, she did all in her ability to make sure that she was able to attend his performance and that he would give her tickets.
Marissa decided to go ahead and buy it even though she wasn’t quite certain that she would be able to use it.
A young woman’s last request was to be serenaded by the renowned musician Keith Urban, and the video of the performance is quite moving.
She held out high expectations that she would be able to go to the concert of her favorite musician that was being held in Toledo, Ohio.
A sudden deterioration in her health made it impossible for her to attend the performance.
The sad youngster felt terrible and her heart was ripped apart when she realized that this may be the only chance she would ever have to see her hero.
Her nurses soon lost the capacity to maintain their impartiality after seeing Marissa in such a situation, and they sent a letter to the singer with a plea for her assistance.
The changes that were made to Urban’s schedule were made so that he could spend time with Marissa.
The little patient at Mercy Children’s Hospital had a brief period of astonishment when Urban visited her room and greeted her.
Cheerfulness is what Keith Urban gravitates toward.
She even went so far as to say that it was the happiest day of her whole life!
One particular day, the artist referred to her as his “greatest fan” and performed “Blue Ain’t Your Color” for her.
It is a day that Marissa and Urban will never forget since it was so spectacular!