Concie Marshall and Leila Moag were born in Berry in 1919 and still live there now. A vacation was planned for the sisters at the retirement home where they live, with family and friends in attendance.
The centenarians, dressed in identical floral shirts and spectacles, celebrated with matching scones and cups of tea and sang with fellow residents in front of a massive pink birthday cake and an arrangement of purple flowers.
The Marshal and Moag sisters were happy to be able to celebrate their birthdays with their loved ones again after quarantine measures imposed as part of the HIV fight rendered it impossible the previous year.
When asked what the secret to their long lives was, the sisters said they always drank water and refused to live more than a few hundred yards apart. Whiskey and white wine. They also seemed to be unaware of their age, claiming to be ‘either 82 or 84’ this year.
The twins’ father is thought to have survived to the age of 104. It is also said that their father survived to the age of 104. The key, according to Themm, is extremely simple: «Don’t stop breathing; eat three times a day, and time will pass by itself.»