A day in which a loving mother thought her little daughter would be protected and looked after on her bus ride to school ended up being a devastating day in which the little girl’s life was lost. Namjah Nash Williams would not have imagined that she would never be able to see her six-year-old daughter’s face again after one fateful school bus ride that even had a bus monitor present for the voyage.
Little Fajr Williams was in transit for approximately 45 minutes until her mother, Namjah, received a detrimental phone call. Upon answering the call, Namjah’s life changed for the worse.
The person on the other end of the call that took a dark turn informed Namjah that something terrible had happened to her daughter. The bereaved mom said:
“They told me she arrived nonresponsive and that they had to do CPR and that they were still performing it.”
Despite the Bus Monitor Being Present on the Ride to School, the Little Girl’s Life Was Lost
Fajr was on board at the back of a Montauk Transit school bus that was handicap equipped and set to take the six-year-old to her summer school program at Claremont Elementary School in New Jersey, which she only started on July 5, and would attend four days a week. According to the prosecutors in charge of handling the case, the bus attendant, 27-year-old Amanda Davila, who was meant to be keeping an eye on the children, had been distracted by her phone and had earphones plugged in.
As revealed by her mother, the little girl was diagnosed with a development disruptive chromosomal disorder called Emmanuel syndrome, which prohibited her ability to speak or walk, prompting her need to be transported in a wheelchair. However, Fajr was able to communicate by making cooing sounds...CONTINUE READING