Actor Kirk Cameron first rose to fame as Mike Seaver on the popular 1980s TV show Growing Pains. Now, in addition to acting, Kirk can add another title to his resume: published author.
While out on a book tour to promote his new book “As You Grow,” Kirk has claimed that some libraries around the country were not extremely welcoming to him or his book. Kirk, during an appearance on Fox News, stated that he wanted to do a story hour in libraries across the country to read and promote his book.
During that interview on Fox, Kirk explained that his book is about “biblical wisdom and the fruit of the spirit.”
However, some libraries in the country told the actor no. In fact, more than 50 of them denied his request to hold a story hour at their location. The actor claimed their refusal came even as they had previously held events where drag queens read to children.
“And we were denied by over 50 woke libraries who have also hosted drag queen story hours for toddlers,” he said.
Kirk stated that he actually threatened some of those libraries with legal action in a public letter he wrote. In that letter, Kirk wrote that “we have constitutional rights” that “I will assert in court.”
Kirk Cameron Was Thrilled With Attendance At His Event in Indianapolis
The actor also claimed that during story hour in Indianapolis, the community showed up in record numbers to hear him.
“More people showed up for this book reading than any other event in the 137-year history of the library,” he said.
Approximately 1,000 people came to the library in Indianapolis to hear Kirk read his faith-based book, according to Christian Headlines.
The attendance at the Indianapolis library thrilled the Growing Pains actor.
“Yesterday, in Indianapolis, a brushfire of faith, family and freedom was ignited,” he said. “It’s now moved to Scarsdale, New York and it’s moving across the country uncontained. I am so thrilled.”
Later in the interview, Kirk mentions another library. This library in Scarsdale, New York did not feature his story hour on their website’s calendar.
The actor stated that “we are in a battle for the hearts and minds of our children.”
“And let us not be wearing in doing good, for we will reap in due season, if we don’t give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let’s do what is good toward all men, and especially toward those who are of the household of faith.” – Galatians 6:9-10