60 years ago, a 93-year-old Korean War veteran from Pittsburgh lived at the same address.
Tom Wraith still drives and cooks his own food, even though he uses oxygen to live his life.
On Sunday his girl Janet Zleriak remained with her dad until 5 pm and anticipated her standard everyday call from him on Monday.However, when she did not receive a call, she became concerned and rushed to her father’s house.
An extreme tempest hit the region short-term and into the early daytime closing power off to in excess of 20,000 occupants.When she got to her dad’s house on Monday morning, she discovered that the power outage had cut off his oxygen supply.
As I enter the living room, My father collapsed like a pillow. Furthermore, his oxygen was swinging from his nose. I also just yelled. According to Pennsylvania News Today, which cites WTAE, Janet stated, “I grabbed him, and it was so It was cold.”
She was informed by a neighbor that their street had no power for 21 hours.
This was not necessary. Why would it shut down for so long? She went on.
His primary oxygen system and any subsequent portable oxygen units were inoperable due to a power outage. Due to the power outage, his landline and mobile phone were also off.
His daughter now needs responses from the local energy provider.
She stated, “There was no reason for him to die.”
The energy provider for the area, Duquesne Light, stated that they had not received any communication from the Wraith family but that their hearts were with them at this trying time.
“This year’s storm on Sunday was the most destructive one we’ve seen. It impacted our recovery efforts on Monday night, causing widespread damage and additional storms in our service area, according to an email from Wollie Geitner, Duquesne Light Company’s communications director.
“More than 250 line workers and field crews worked around the clock to restore power to 20,000 homes, and their work is still going on.”
My heart goes out to Tom Phantom’s loved ones. Find happiness in the hereafter.