Meghan McCain blasted Judge Jeanine Pirro, claiming she was at the top of her list as the “worst guest” she ever encountered on The View. Pirro also has her own take on the incident, which she is proclaiming as “the truth.”
Meghan McCain and Judge Jeanine Pirro (Credit: YouTube/YouTube)
After exiting The View as a cohost, Meghan McCain wrote a memoir titled Bad Republican, which details her four-year stint on the ABC talk show. One of the more salacious claims involves Judge Jeanine Pirro and her 2018 interview, which led McCain to declare Pirro was the “worst guest” by far.
As most people remember, Pirro allegedly was thrown off the show by host Whoopi Goldberg after Goldberg became enraged by the judge proclaiming she suffered from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). “Did you just point at me?” Goldberg asked to clarify who the judge accused of TDS. “Yes,” Pirro responded. “Let me tell you what I have,” Goldberg stated, “I’m tired of people starting a conversation with ‘Mexicans are liars and rapists.’” For the next 90 seconds, Goldberg blasted Pirro until she ended it.
Whoopi Goldberg points at Judge Jeanine Pirro during the interview (Credit: YouTube)
“Say goodbye. I’m done!” Goldberg said to Pirro. “Wow,” the judge responded as the show cut to commercial. According to McCain’s memoir, that’s when “Pirro allegedly hit her on the chest with her tossed microphone,” and the judge left the table cursing. “Who says c—k sucker, much less shouts it 1,000 times?” McCain wrote in her book. “It’s the dumbest word. I heard Whoopi yelling at her to get the hell out of the building.”
McCain’s memoir also gave an assessment of the guests during her four-year stretch on The View and said Judge Jeanine “pales in comparison” to any other guest as the “worst.” However, there are two sides to every story, and Judge Jeanine’s recollections don’t match Meghan McCain’s or Whoopi Goldberg’s. Reps for Goldberg claimed she did not throw Pirro off the show as there was one more segment left, even though it appeared to most viewers that the judge was clearly told to say “goodbye.”