On January 19, 2023, Lisa Marie Presley was buried next to her son, Benjamin Keough, at Graceland’s Meditation Garden in Memphis, Tennessee, before her public memorial service. The service will be held on January 22, 2023.
The late star’s father, Elvis Presley, and his parents, Gladys and Vernon Presley were also buried in Graceland. On January 12, 2023, Lisa Marie went into cardiac arrest at her Calabasas home before being taken to the hospital.
Paramedics regained the late singer’s pulse before taking her to a hospital, where she died at age 54. Besides her father, son, and grandparents, Minnie Mae Presley, Elvis’ grandmother, was also laid to rest on the property.
Lisa Marie’s memorial would be held at Graceland and live-streamed through the property page’s live-stream. Fans were allowed to attend the service physically, and for those wishing to watch the live stream, it would start at 9 a.m. CT.
The sad thing about the late songwriter’s death was that what took her life was something similar, in some cases, the exact cause, to what took the lives of some of the “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow” musician’s family members.
Lisa Marie Repeated the Fate of Elvis and His Parents
On August 16, 1977, Elvis passed on from a heart attack. The Shelby County coroner, Dr. Jerry Francisco, said “preliminary autopsy findings” showed that the cause of his death was “cardiac arrhythmia.”
The initial findings were that the King of Rock ‘n Roll could’ve died from a drug overdose. Reports revealed, at the time, that ten prescription drugs were found in the late star’s body, but that was later ruled out.
Gladys became sick in August 1958 while Elvis was stationed in Germany, serving in the US Army. The iconic singer rushed home to be with her and was there when she passed at age 46 on August 14, 1958...CONTINUE READING