Shopping for a wedding dress is supposed to be one of the biggest milestones of a woman’s life.
However, for some women, the experience can trigger anxiety or stress, especially if they have mobility impairment issues and worry about finding the perfect dress.
One store has taken the initiative to show that all brides are welcome at their shop with their inclusive window display.
The White Collection is a bridal shop in Portishead, England.
The new wedding shop in town has a wheelchair using mannequin and it shouldn’t be exciting but it’s the first time I’ve ever seen disability portrayed in a shop window. pic.twitter.com/N5sco2fLJf
— Beth Wilson (@doodlebeth) January 9, 2019
Twitter user Beth Wilson tweeted a photo of the store’s window which featured a mannequin looking regal in a gorgeous gown and seated in a wheelchair.
Here’s another look at the display from the store’s Instagram page.
Instagram | @thewhitecollection
I’ve never seen any store, let alone a bridal store, feature a mannequin with a wheelchair. I hope that more stores start including them in the future.
Since Beth tweeted the photo, women who use wheelchairs have been sharing their own wedding day stories.
Twitter user @SarahBFraser looks amazing in this photo from her wedding day! She paired her dress with Jimmy Choo shoes. Chic!
The photo has also prompted some to share their decorating tips.
This Twitter user shows how she decorated her wheelchair with flowers for her cousin’s wedding. Brides-to-be, take note!
For some, seeing this store window was a huge reassurance.
Wedding dress shopping is supposed to be fun, but brides who use a wheelchair can feel stressed out about it.
Knowing that there are stores out there that support these brides can make all the difference.
And, these inclusive windows aren’t just limited to brides.
Another Twitter user spotted a similar display in Tokyo with a groom in the window. I really hope other stores take a cue from these examples and start making their displays inclusive, too.
I always cry at weddings…
And I’m crying after learning about this story. Can someone pass the tissues? It’s examples like this that restore my faith in humanity.