While the national anthem was being played before the start of the Orlando Magic vs. Brooklyn Nets game, one player stood out from the crowd. Jonathan Isaac, an ordained clergyman, will be remembered as the first NBA player to refuse to take a knee or wear a «Black Lives Matter» shirt like the rest of his colleagues.
The Associated Press reported that because it was something they had previously discussed, the rest of his teammates were not surprised by his decision. When questioned about his views on the importance of black lives, Jonathan Isaac stated that he believed in the value of black lives. He did, however, state that numerous other considerations affected his choice.
He stated unequivocally that supporting black lives does not include taking a knee or wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt. Although he believes in and supports the Black Lives Matter movement, he thought it was necessary to make a personal decision.
Because everyone is formed in God’s image, Jonathan Isaac’s life has been built on the gospel and Jesus Christ. Every other day, every woman offends herself by doing or saying things she should not be doing or saying. As we try to explain our acts by emphasizing evident evils, we find ourselves pointing fingers and blaming others.
While we all make mistakes and blunders in our daily lives, we fall short of God’s glory. Those who are willing to humble themselves and offer remorse for the sins they have committed will perceive the crimes committed by others differently. Jonathan Isaac also stated that this is the only way we would be able to develop a relationship that brings us all together, regardless of skin color or anything else that does not correspond with human hearts.