We all know that cough and cold are not serious by themselves, but if we won’t take care and treat them on time, they can turn into more serious diseases.
Dry cough is extremly annoying because it makes us feel tired, uncomfortable and with a reduced ability to concentrate on anything.
Today we want to introduce you with a ‘Do-it-yourself Home Medicine’ that will fight the annoying flu, help you stay healthy and strengthen your immune system. Lemon juice, Honey and Onions are all the ingredients you need for this wonder cure.
Onions – are rich in anti-inflammatory properties and also works as a natural antibiotic.
Honey – is rich in anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, and is ideal for sore throats.
Lemon – helps and supports the natural immune system of the body and is rich in vitamin C. limes and lemon juice reduces phlegm and the effects of flu and cold.
* 2 tablespoons honey
* Juice from one lemon
* 2 cups of water
* 1 onion
Preparation instructions:
First, boil the water, cut the onion into small pieces and then put them into the boiling water for 15 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes. Filter the water and add the honey. Mix well and add the lemon juice before drinking.
Drink this powerful drink 3 times a day, and you will be shocked from the fast results!