It took until I was fully an adult to appreciate just how much my folks did for me as a kid. Not only did they make sure I always, always, had a full belly, but that I was brought up to be a good, nice person. Well, I try, anyway.
But since then, I’ve seen how bad some kids have it, even when their folks are trying their best. It’s a rough world out there, but kids definitely don’t deserve to bear the brunt of it.
That’s why we need more Josette and Dylan Durans.
If Josette Duran ever wondered if she was raising her son with good values, he sure alleviated those worries one morning.
Facebook | Josette Duran
Early in his eighth grade school year, Dylan asked his mom if she could make him two lunches that day.
She wondered if he just wasn’t getting enough to eat, which does happen with growing boys sometimes.
But, as Dylan explained, the extra lunch wasn’t for him.