Chris’ parents didn’t accept his relationship with Amanda. When she announced her pregnancy at the dinner, they rushed to call her a cheater because they had just gotten some shocking medical results. Their lives would never be the same.
“I just want to get this over with,” Chris sighed in front of his parents’ house door.
“They’re your parents, honey. We want them to finally accept me and come to our wedding, right?” his wife, Amanda, caressed his arms.
Chris grunted. “I really don’t care about that, Amanda. I’m sorry, but if they can’t accept the woman I love, I don’t want anything to do with them.”
“Please, honey. We have to make peace with them. What about the future? They’re family. We want them to be a part of our children’s lives, don’t we?” Amanda continued, smiling slightly. The problem is that the young, beautiful woman didn’t see the tightening of her husband’s mouth.
Chris tried to keep his composure after her words, but he only barely managed. “Yeah. I guess,” he muttered through his stiff lips.“That’s… fine. When are you going to quit your job?” he continued.”OK! Now, cheer up. We’re in this together,” Amanda perked and hugged his side.
Chris’s mother, Mrs. Castillo, opened the door with her signature fake grin, only slightly lifting her lips.
“Hello, Amanda. It’s nice to see you,” she said, nodding her head subtly and moving, so they could walk through the door.
Chris wanted to roll his eyes. It had been years since he and Amanda got together. They were engaged, and his parents still viewed her as the woman who “ruined their plans.” They wanted their son with someone else and were salty about his decision.
When Chris graduated from college and got his first job, his parents introduced him to Ciara, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey. Her father was on a local private clinic board and highly well-respected in their town…CONTINUE READING