Kim Kardashian celebrated her birthday with a grand party on last week’s episode of The Kardashians. However, her actual birthday spent with her children was far from enjoyable. The 43-year-old reality star and media mogul, who recently praised cosmetic dermatologist Simon Ourian, shared her birthday experience while visiting her mother, Kris Jenner, on this week’s episode.
During the visit, Kris asked Kim how her birthday with the kids went. Kim responded, “I thought I would have a day to myself, but I ended up doing everything everyone else wanted.” She elaborated, explaining that she spent her birthday watching YouTube unboxing videos, participating in a FIFA tournament, and visiting Color Me Mine, which she described as torturous. “This isn’t Mother’s Day. This is my day. Do you think a mom wants to go to Color Me Mine one more time on her birthday?” she vented, making Kris laugh. Kim continued, “Just make me breakfast. That’s a great birthday.”
In a confessional, Kim revealed her ideal birthday: “To lock my door, stay in bed, and eat cookies and cream ice cream all day long. But no, no one cares about my dreams. Not four kids at least.” Kris, also in a confessional, empathized, saying, “As moms, we all have days where we don’t want to do what we’re doing, but we do it for our kids. So come on, Kim, suck it up and do a little Color Me Mine.”
Back at Kris’s house, she acknowledged the challenges of having four kids. Kim agreed, describing her home as a madhouse, to which Kris added, “Your house is a circus because you have a lot going on.” Determined to bring order, Kim declared, “I’m going to get my st together and be a f*ing drill sergeant, like Khloe. She’s so tough.” Kris suggested talking to Khloe about it, but Kim hesitated, describing her sister as judgmental.
Kim shared in a confessional, “I’m like half of a Khloe parent and half of a Kourtney parent. Kourtney is all about love and freedom, but Khloe is about order. It’s tough for me to be a really strict parent.” Kris advised Kim to create boundaries, including for herself, her friends, and business associates. She added, “Being a mom and a working mom is hard. Kim thrives on her workload, but we all need a bit of balance.”
Later, the episode cut to Kim getting ready for a photo shoot. Her makeup artist noted she was in a good mood, to which Kim quipped, “I’m either in a good mood or I’m like, ‘Fk that ho, and everyone’s a f*ing idiot.’” Kim revealed she was excited about shooting the GQ Man of the Year cover. GQ Editor-in-Chief Will Welch showed her an idea for the shoot, inspired by an iconic 1996 cover of Cigar Aficionado featuring Demi Moore holding a cigar.
Despite the challenges of balancing her personal and professional life, Kim remains determined to find her stride, striving for the perfect mix of work, family, and a bit of personal time.