Although Ben & Jerry’s is a simple ice cream manufacturer, the company has always separated itself from the ice cream competition by fighting for social justice causes. Now the company has a message for white people – it is time for white people to step up and dismantle white supremacy.
“The white mob that made its way to the dais of the US House of Representatives and the Senate, literally sitting in the chair the vice president had been in minutes before, is the ultimate embodiment of white privilege. We saw two Americas on January 6. In one America, we saw record voter turnout driven by Black voters that resulted in the election of the first Black and first Jewish senators from the state of Georgia—our democracy at its best.
“In second America, we saw a mostly white mob, encouraged by the president, violently invade the seat of our democracy in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election. It was a failed coup—our democracy in peril. Both of these Americas are us. Black and Brown people have long understood this. They’ve been exposed to the white tyranny that was on full display at the January 6 riot since the founding of our nation. It’s the double standard that undergirds white supremacy in our nation.
“Both of these Americas are us. How we respond to the events of January 6 will determine which America we will be. Resign, impeach, 25th Amendment… not one more day.”
What do you think about Ben & Jerry’s call to white people to end white supremacy?