Sometimes even normal days can turn into complete opposites of what they started out as. This family was on their way to having a wonderful day but it turned into their worst nightmare.
Had it not been for this group of teenage boys, the outcome could have been very different…
8-YEAR-OLD Olivia Heid was playing with her 4-year-old brother RJ in their backyard on Harmony Road in Middletown, New Jersey. It was a beautiful day and their parents got an idea to make it even more memorable for their little family.
Stephanie Heid and Richard Heid decided to take their kids for their first-ever snow-sledding experience.
They first made their way to Holmdel Park’s sled hill but it was closed. Stephanie then took to Facebook to ask friends and family for suggestions and she was told about the Beacon Hill Country Club. The family headed to the venue.
When they got there in the afternoon they noticed that the main hill was too crowded and a little too steep for their kids. They chose another hill that was smaller and did not have a deep incline.
“We have two saucer sleds, but my husband insisted on bringing this big blow-up inner tube sled,” Stephanie said in an interview. “We spent half an hour sitting in the car blowing that thing up.”
The couple did notice that there was a pond on the right of the hill did but did not think it would cause them any trouble since it was quite a bit away from the hill itself...CONTINUE READING