In a heated and emotional statement, Barbara Streisand lashed out on who she thinks is really to “blame” for electing Donald Trump to the highest role in American government. Who are the “culprits” who got the reality television star into the political office? According to Barbra Streisand and other critics, it was the white women of America, the ones who cast their vote for Trump despite the video evidence that he had a bizarre relationship to women because, as Streisand put it, women “don’t believe enough in their own thoughts.”
Streisand believes that the majority of white women who voted for Donald Trump only did so because their husbands told them to do it. She doesn’t think they thought for themselves, instead of following “orders” and doing only what their husbands told them to do. And while that it is an offensive statement from one of the so-called “warriors for women,” Streisand hopes it shocks women out of their stupor so they can start doing what is best for them and not just their husbands.
Streisand added that the women who voted for Trump were trapped in a “terribly complex thing” that holds them hostage and does not give them the freedom to think for themselves. She added, “a lot of women vote the way their husbands vote. They don’t believe enough in their own thoughts.”
That can be a hard thing to listen to for white women who voted for Trump. They don’t want to think that Barbra might have a point but instead stand by their guns that they voted for the man they wanted to be president. However, that’s now how the superstar singer sees things.
“Perhaps, she made women feel unsuccessful,” Streisand said of Hillary Clinton. “All of this was so devastating to me, and I was heartbroken, so I wanted to write about it, sing about it, and deliver an album. It was perfect timing, so I just did it.”
Streisand is talking about her new album of course, which has sparked a lot of criticism from conservatives and moderates. Some people believe that a celebrity just needs to keep their business to themselves and not try to broadcast it over the airwaves like that.
Streisand’s anti-Trump anthem album is called “Walls.” It is mostly devoted to giving Streisand a platform to expose her to believe that people should be treated equally and that Trump’s administrative decision is not in alignment with that for her.