Since having her children, Julia Roberts, the star of “Pretty Woman” and other box office successes, has made the decision to become a stay-at-home mom. In addition to being a legend in Hollywood, she has demonstrated that she can also be an excellent mother.
She has decided to take a break from acting in order to take care of her family, which includes her son, Henry Moder, her twins Hazel and Phinneas Moder, and her husband, Henry Daniel Moder. She also enjoys her new full-time position.
Roberts and Daniel Moder attend a White House reception on December 4, 2022, in Washington, DC, for the 2022 Kennedy Center honorees | Source: Advertisement from Getty Images: Julia claims that being a mother is incredibly satisfying.
She’s taken on every aspect of being a stay-at-home mom. She cleans the kitchen, cooks breakfast for her family every day, and by the time she finishes all of her tasks, lunch can begin. When supper comes around, she has had a full, useful day. She stated,“I no longer have the luxury of being idle. Before I had children, I must have had a lot of free time, but I didn’t use it well and didn’t appreciate it.
Advertisement She smiled and said, “My life at home gives me absolute joy.” She also gets to spend a lot of time with her family. She enjoys taking care of her family, but sometimes life at home can get a little boring. Julia elaborated:
“As with any mother or wife, it simply becomes ingrained in your daily routine. There are days when it’s really fun and other days when it’s hard.
On April 18, 2022, Julia Roberts will attend the GASLIT world premiere in New York City. | Source: Getty Pictures
Julia Roberts goes to the GASLIT World Debut on April 18, 2022, in New York City | Source: Advertisement via Getty Images, however, she has not completely given up acting.To get her to take on a role, all you need is more convincing. Julia acknowledged that she is still tempted to complete projects whenever she discovers one with an intriguing plot or compelling characters.
The actress from “Eat, Pray, Love” was so absorbed in her new life that she didn’t even tell her kids what she does for a living. They had no idea that their mother was one of Hollywood’s most famous women for a long time.
A star of her caliber is almost impossible to miss, and they eventually started to notice. But at first, Julia didn’t tell them what she did, and because she spent so much time cooking meals and taking care of the house, they just assumed she didn’t have a job.
Advertisement Julia talked a little bit about how she makes meals and where she gets her inspiration and love for cooking.
She got a lot of her cooking skills from her mother, who liked to make everything from scratch with ingredients from her garden. She still has a few tricks up her sleeve, even though she doesn’t go nearly as far.
Her children have become increasingly aware that their mother is an accomplished actress as they get older.
With her family, what kind of life does Julie Roberts lead?
Julia prefers to be a regular mom when she’s at home, despite her widespread fame. She shared that she enjoys having family meals together so that everyone can regularly enjoy each other’s company. She favors eating breakfast with her kids, saying:
Advertisement: “Usually, every day, I eat breakfast and dinner with my kids. I believe it really marks the beginning, sort of processing, and conclusion of things together.Advertisement As her children’s awareness of their mother’s success as an actress has grown, she has begun to accompany them whenever she travels for filming. She mentioned that being around her children keeps her grounded:
“When you have kids and come home from an event in a big dress, heels, and diamonds, it’s very humbling to have them ask, “Can I have a snack?” You respond, “Yeah.”
The actress claimed that she and her husband, Daniel, had agreed that they would raise their children like any other family. Teaching her children important life skills like making their own beds, doing their own laundry, and taking care of themselves was a priority for Julia.