Inspired by her father Bruce Willis’ courageous journey through frontotemporal dementia, Tallulah Willis, the youngest daughter of Bruce and Demi Moore, recently shared her own transformative diagnosis. In a deeply personal moment that resonated with fans, the 30-year-old actress and artist revealed her autism diagnosis while reflecting on a cherished memory with her father.
On March 15, Tallulah posted a nostalgic Instagram video to her 408,000 followers. The clip captured a tender moment from her childhood, showing her on a red carpet, playing with her father’s shaved head as he held her. The video was captioned:
“Tell me you’re autistic without telling me you’re autistic [sic].”
The post quickly became a conversation starter about autism, as followers celebrated the sweet bond between father and daughter. Many noticed Tallulah’s repetitive gestures, known as “stimming,” a common behavior among individuals on the autism spectrum.