Older brothers can and will drive their siblings crazy. It’s part of the job description to pick on the younger ones. And big brothers, more often than not, get away with it.
And yet behind that tough macho facade is a beating heart that adores his younger siblings.
Just look at the way he cradles and cuddles his baby sister. It’s such a sweet moment between these two. Give them ten years and he’ll be driving her crazy. Or vice versa.
All in good fun except it’s going to drive mom and dad crazy too.
“Hes going to be an awesome big brother, God bless the family.”
Says a viewer named Paullete Barrow.
Without a doubt. This young man isn’t afraid to show everyone how much he loves his little sister. He’s going to be her personal bodyguard so future suitors better watch out!
Mom and dad are doing a wonderful job raising this kid.
A huge perk of having a big brother, as far as girls are concerned, is that he will intimidate the guys who are interested in courting her. If a guy backs away then he never had good intentions in the first place.
Sure, big bro can be too much at times but he can single out who’s a good guy or not.
It all boils down to respect and communication. And it looks like that won’t be a problem with these two. She’ll be super proud to call him her big bro in front of her school and her friends.
Plus her friends may start crushing on him….
“Just when we thought there was nothing pure left in this messed up world.”