When actor Kevin Hart shared a picture of his beautiful newborn daughter on Instagram, social media users tore the comedian a new one. In the image, which depicts the little girl lying on a cozy blanket, Hart shows off the outfit he picked for her. The baby girl is wearing a small shirt with the phrase “Zero f***s given,” which has set some of Hart’s more sensitive fans off on a keyboard warrior rampage.
The Instagram post was captioned with the following: “’ Zero F***s Given.’ My baby is supporting her daddy on the opening day!!!! Zero F***s given is streaming on NETFLIX NOOOOOOOWWW!!!!! Go get some comedy in yo life, damn it!!!!!”
Hart used the social media post to advertise his new Netflix special. Although the title of the special includes an “offensive” curse word, he was willing to dress his newborn daughter in a shirt with that word on it for the sake of his career. Hart knew that a lot of people would view the image of his cute baby girl, so he uploaded the picture of her wearing the shirt in honor of his new Netflix special.
The post has received more than 800,000 likes since it was uploaded on the first day Hart’s Netflix special launched. Comments streamed in by the hundreds. Many people expressed their “love” for the beautiful baby girl, Kaori, and her controversial shirt.
“Too cute and got the people that are getting mad. I’ll throw in some facts. She can’t read. Not your child. He is promoting to get attention, which he already got y’all attention. NO F***S GIVEN.”
“Just here for the ‘can’t believe you would put your child in a shirt with profanity’ commentary.”
“DOPE, AF!! People sooooo sensitive, geesh. Who gives a f*** what you want YOUR baby rocking? That’s the name of your show. ERRRBODY YOU TAKE CARE OF NEEDS TO BE ROCKING IT. Baby, dogs, & all.”
“I need all of you old Black southern women to delete your negative comments because you used to beat your child for asking for help with their homework.”
“Are people really serious about the baby’s onesie?? Go check your kid’s TikTok, snap, only fans page, and spam. Y’all are doing too much. There are actual s**t parents out here. Some on these feed.”
But critics made their distaste known.
“You actually put that on your baby? Geesh.”
“She doesn’t look happy about it.”
“Wow, Kev always thought you were a GREAT DAD! Now, why would a newborn want to wear this explicative expression?”
“Not feeling that shirt on the baby.”
“I’m not feeling the shirt either! There are people that don’t know about your show.”
“Hmmm, not sure how I feel about putting swear words on baby clothing. Anyone else?”
“OMG, could you wanna put something like that on your baby.”
“As much as I love you and your stand-up comedy, putting that shirt on the baby is not right.”
Some people tried to launch their own comedy careers.
“And she’s already taller than her daddy.”
Do you think the baby shirt was inappropriate?