Skip Tetheludah, our man on the ground, reported that while half of the visitors departed, the other half had “the time of their lives.” They engaged in imbibing contests. beat the records on several old video game high scores and crushed “White Rabbit” on the singing machine.
The actor has since announced that she is suing Nugent, whom her lawyer, Thomas Bagger, claimed was the true culprit all along. The Nuge used Telegram and Gab to inform his followers of the truth:
“Alyssa is just mad about our fling in that blue pickle van outside the Cat Scratch Fever Tour in 1986,” I said.Some have noted that Alyssa Milano was the top crush for 15-year-old males in 1986. Others noted that she was born in 1972, making her age 14 at the time. When does this child need to be made accountable for her deeds?
Seth Rogan, who was at the party, informed this reporter that there was a possibility Milano “got herself dicked down by Matt Damon,” which would be a plus for any Hollywood actor or actress. Ask Ben Affleck, please.
Although Milano’s lawsuit is likely to fail, getting it this far has been entertaining. Godspeed to the USA.