After Joy Behar accused Senator Tim Scott of being a traitor to his own race, his office immediately requested a spot on the show to discuss it.
Producers of “The View” reluctantly agreed, after being assured by Behar that she could handle whatever he could throw at her. When the show aired, however, she was nowhere to be found.
“We’re fining Joy Behar $1 million, per her contract agreement, for failing to deliver on a promised debate,” said producer Joe Barron, “for this to be okay, she would have had to have been legitimately ill or indisposed beyond her control.
“That wasn’t the case, he continued, “she skipped out. It was a cowardly move.”It’s unusual for The View to take that aggressive of a stance against one of their own, but it’s not very surprising, considering the damage conservative boycotts have done.
So far, since the beginning of Pride Month, more than 30 businesses have gone bankrupt for displaying rainbows, costing thousands of jobs. That’s the kind of action we need, patriots. If there’s enough of a downturn, we can probably trigger another economic disaster.
If we trash the economy and cause a recession, Biden will definitely lose, and we can have our pick of fascists. God Bless America.