It’s happened to you. You want that Egg McMuffin and you want it bad, but you crawled out of bed just a little too late. We’ve all been there. However, we don’t destroy a McDonald’s because we missed breakfast. That’s what these women did, though, and it was all caught on video.
McDonald’s might be known for the slogan, “I’m lovin’ it,” but two women certainly weren’t one early afternoon. Having spent too much time trying to catch up on their beauty sleep, this pair was extremely disappointed to find out they didn’t make it to McDonald’s in time to devour a “freshly-cracked Grade A egg on a toasted English Muffin topped with real butter and add lean Canadian bacon and melty American cheese.” Makes your mouth water, doesn’t it?
Well, for these women, missing out on such an “excellent source of protein” that’s “oh so delicious” caused a major meltdown — and we’re not talking about ooey-gooey cheese from between some buttery biscuits, either. Frustrated, these two took their bad morning and made it worse. In fact, they were recorded throwing a super-sized temper tantrum that even the worst toddler couldn’t pull off. And, it was all because they were told that breakfast time was over.
Being told she was too late for breakfast caused this pink-clad woman to go nuts. (Photo Credit: Screen Capture/YouTube)
When you see the footage, which was reportedly captured at a Philadelphia location, according to Daily Mail, you’ll wonder how these women manage to handle real-life disappointments if this is the kind of hissy fit that comes from being denied a hash brown or two. After the hangry ladies were told to relax, they went berserk, causing onlookers to whip out their cameras and record the shocking incident. As these females loudly mouthed off to employees on account of their terrible misfortune, customers were left stunned to see how these women were acting.
Being told to calm down led the women to attempt to beat one man with chairs. (Photo Credit: Screen Capture/YouTube)
In the clip, one man decided to speak up, telling the women to take a chill pill since the employees were only doing their jobs. After all, they were just following the rules. Unfortunately for the man, this brought the wrath of the breakfastless women down upon him as the two commenced in a full-on attack against him, taking their frustration out on the guy personally. With the man now their target, the women unleashed a vicious physical assault. The ravenous, raging duo completely destroyed the McDonald’s during their assault, even throwing chairs at the man, and the shocking footage went viral as viewers were left jaw-dropped to see how some adults choose to behave when they don’t get their way.