A woman and her mother lived together until it became unbearable for the woman, who was 39 weeks pregnant. Subsequently, the woman and her fiancé had to make a difficult decision.A Reddit user took to the platform for advice on whether she would be in the wrong for kicking her mother out of the house that she and her fiancé lived in and paid for as her mother was causing issues.
The original poster (OP) mentioned that she was 39 weeks pregnant and had lived with her mother for a couple of months before finding her place with her fiancé to prepare for their baby.The OP was 22, and her mother was 45. The OP let her mother move in with her as she felt it was fair since she had lived with her mother before. However, she clarified that she had lived with her mother in her mother’s ex’s house, where her mother paid no bills.
Problems Started
While the OP was okay with her mother living with her, she ensured that her mother knew that she was not allowed to bring drugs into her daughter’s house or smoke indoors.The mother and daughter also agreed that the mother would do most of the housework as the daughter was heavily pregnant and had been working for most of her pregnancy.
The OP paid for all the household necessities, food, and transportation. However, their issues began when the woman’s fiancé moved in with them. The OP told her that since her fiancé was moving in, her mother would have to start looking for another place.
When the OP broke this news to her mother, her mother stopped doing the housework she had done before and began starting arguments with her daughter frequently. The OP also shared that her mother was going against their agreement by constantly smoking in the house.
The OP shared that her fiancé worked, went to school full-time, and took care of the household pills because she was on maternity leave. The OP then explained the “boiling point” of their conflict.
While the three adults had been living together, the sink piled up with dishes one day, and the OP and her fiancé planned to tackle them together when he returned from work. However, the OP’s mother got to them first.The OP explained that she was trying to nap when she heard her mother crashing around the kitchen, talking about how disgusting it was and that she was treated like a “slave” in the house. The OP explained:
“I didn’t tell her to do the dishes; it wasn’t even expected. She continued to scream and say that ‘she’s finding a place.'”
When the woman told her fiancé what had happened while he was at work, he told the OP that he wanted to kick her mother out. She agreed that her mother should leave but was hesitant to kick her out and asked Reddit users if she was in the wrong.The OP said her mother wanted to be there for the birth of her first grandchild but that neither she nor her husband could live with her any longer. The OP’s fiancé said he would kick her mother out and take all the blame.
What Happened When the Fiancé Confronted His Future Mother-In-Law?
The OP said that her fiancé had arrived home from work and asked her to leave so he could talk to her mother. She said he had done this because she was afraid of her mother due to her childhood trauma.Two hours later, the OP’s mother had left with her dog. The OP did not know where her mother had gone but mentioned that she didn’t care much. Although her mother left, she did not take many of her belongings, leaving the OP to pack them up.
The OP said she would give her mother two weeks to come and collect the stuff she hadn’t taken with her, but in the meantime, she turned the room her mother had stayed in into a nursery for her child.
While this OP experienced an issue with her mother and partner getting along, another woman experienced quite the opposite, with her mother loving her partner.