As Paige Price sat eating her breakfast at a Waffle House in Panama City Beach, Florida, she was interrupted by the restaurant manager.
She was on vacation with her family and was enjoying a relaxing breakfast when she was interrupted by shouting from the manager.
When the announcement had finished all the staff stopped what they were doing and gathered at the front of the restaurant.
Paige was so shocked she had to take a picture and shared it on her Facebook page. That picture has now been shared by more than 350,000 people all equally surprised by it.
The diner manager announced a shift change but what came before that shift change is apparently a common occurrence at this Waffle House.
“I overheard the manager say ‘It’s shift change’. No big deal right?” Paige said on her Facebook post.
A circle, in the middle of the Waffle House kitchen, caught Price’s eye. So she snapped a photo, shared it to Facebook and wrote about how it made her smile.
“I looked over and noticed all of the workers gathering around each other, in a circle, some holding hands, and some taking their hats off. I’m pretty sure I had a very weird look on my face because I had to ask myself a few times if this was real”.
Paige said the staff all gathered in a circle and “spoke a soft prayer, and went on about their business.”
She had to take a picture because she couldn’t believe what she was witnessing.
“If they were really about to pray before each of them went their separate ways, if they were really about to PRAY and not care who they offended,” she wrote.
Reading Paige’s words you might think she’s offended but then she goes on to say how much the act moved her.
“The world that I’ve grown up in for 23 years is changing fast and to see this just made my heart smile. Maybe there’s hope for our country after all,” Paige told WJHG.
“I applaud these people for standing up for what they believe in and not worrying about offending others or what others may think/say about them.”
She could not believe where the photo had gone. It has as many shares and likes as there are Waffle Houses – and more. It made local news in Atlanta and Chicago.
‘Crazy stuff that’s going on’
Paige has received a number of comments on her post all praising the actions of the staff and how they should not be ashamed of standing up for what they believe.
“That’s mainly why I took the picture and shared it because of all the crazy stuff that’s going on in the world right now,” Paige said.
“I mean you know, most people are afraid or scared to do it in public, so it was kind of like I guess the perfect moment to take a picture.”
I commend any company boss who allows their workers to practice their faith freely; for many it’s a celebration of the love they have in their lives.
It was a great gesture of you Paige to make this special moment public. I wish I could see more of this moment been published more often.