People who are sensitive to gluten, found in wheat, rye and barley, may have extreme reactions after ingesting the protein.
The symptoms related to the sensitivity can range from depression, fatigue, joint pain, digestive problems, etc. Here are six symptoms that may be an indication that you may have and are sensitive to gluten.
1. Headaches and migraines, constant
If you experience headaches or migraines that almost paralize you completely, perhaps you suffer from gluten sensitivity. Interestingly, migraines are very common in people with a sensitivity to gluten. These headaches can be very severe, so give yourselves the opportunity to recover if you have them.
2. Mouth problems
People with gluten sensitivity may suffer from apta – painful open wounds in the oral cavity. In addition, due to absorption, the gluten sensitive people struggle to maintain healthy teeth because the low calcium level.
3. Sudden increase in weight
One of the symptoms that left the gluten-sensitive community amazed and shocked is the unexplainable increase in weight. Usually weight gain in people sensitive to gluten means two things: 1. they suffer from systemic inflammation caused by the gluten, or 2. Intestinal absorption and permeable intestines, which are side effects of sensitivity to gluten.
4. Unstable immune system
When one of the antibodies is gluten-sensitive, the effect on your immune system is what makes it work in an irregular shape. These antibodies are the body’s defense against flu, cold, and other diseases.
5. Mind clouding
Gluten sensitive individuals suffer from a very interesting case of mind clouding. A variety of things can cause this phenomenon, but the common belief in the scientific community is that the abnormal antibody igG activity in response to the gluten is the cause of these cognitive disorders issues.
6. Chronic fatigue/exhaustion
Chronic fatigue may be a side effect of the vagueness in the brain. But most of the research believes the reason is that people who are sensitive to gluten have insufficient spare energy in the first place.